Friday, January 1, 2010

A new beginning.

"A new year, a new beginning" is always such a cliche thing to say, isn't it?

This year was the first time I didn't make it to 12am to celebrate with everyone else. I fell asleep on the couch instead. Waking up at around 10am, and almost forgetting that it was January 1st made it seem like such a regular day.

Then I thought.. why must the new year be a new beginning? I could always change myself. In fact, I'm always changing already. But what's with these resolutions? I could begin any time I want.

And so, this year, I don't really have resolutions for the new year (given that I probably won't accomplish them anyhow).

I feel extremely lethargic, and I should change that mindset of mine.

I should do what I feel instead of what others want me to do.

I could have started any moment though.

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