Saturday, January 30, 2010

The last Saturday of January.

Today was that day. It was also Zone. It was also like the only Saturday I've waken up at 6AM.
I guess I can sum up my day in one word: GREAT.

Yesss, it was fun. Definitely. The keynote speaker.. he was pretty inspiring. The one line that I remember most from his little speech was something like, "you're here today on this Saturday, but those lonely people will still be lonely on this Saturday." I don't know why it stuck out to me so much. Maybe it made me think that we all had really different lives, and I know for a fact many of us don't even think about others and what they do outside of school.
Like I didn't even know P had a job on weekends, and she's able to manage to finish her homework and spend time with her boyfriend, yaddayada.

When he also said that we're all human who experiences problems, it's so true. I remember coming to this about that about 2 years ago. I remember thinking how I was so naive because I thought I had it bad. I thought I suffered. I thought my life was terrible because everyone else I knew always had a smile. They always knew what to say. They always had that great attitude. But then I realized, we all have our own problems. The little or big things that make us think our lives are terrible.
And I guess this ties into me talking to A.
Ohh and I was so happy to see him<3 because I haven't seen this kid in ages! Catching up was real good & actually talking and dancing was pretty fun. I forgot how fun he can be to talk to. He did bring me back to the summer of freshman year, most definitely.
Anyway, I remember asking A, "how's life?" and he was actually honest with me. Telling me brief details how his life isn't the best, how he's wishing it was better, as opposed to, "oh it's great!" and then he said, "little things like [zone] is my escape." And I can't help think but how true it is.
Going there this Saturday made me forget so many things. The little problems in my life. The things that make me angry, that make me sad, that make me worried. All I thought about was having fun and meeting new people and going crazy and being spirited.
Anyway, I guess talking to him made me happy. And it was a good thing I did. His SAT score was 2100ish, which was amazing, but I realize how hard he works in school and how hard he studies just to get what he gets. He's a really hard worker.

So I should stop being so fucking lazy.

And I guess I can say one of the few reasons I want to even stay here is because of this. StuCo. The things I learn, the people I talk to, the motivation and inspiration I receive. Sure, sometimes I want to just kill some of the people in there, but for the most part, it's great. :)

lol but then I think there is a StuCo there so.. uh yeah. ;D

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